
"Depression my sidebitch, anxiety my main bitch"

"Depression my sidebitch, anxiety my main bitch"

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Loading happiness....error 404

Everything  was so good, but now. Here is a mess. My heart, my mind, my life I have only broken dreams. Oh wait what?...I just looked my phone and there was like my crush's message, but it wasn't... Honestly, i guess he hates me, i feel so sick, 3days I have just been in my room and get out for food, I listen to sad songs and just lie in bed and try to be strong. Do you know what hurt the most? That feeling when you think  for long time do type to him or not, but then  you did it... but then everything goes wrong and he totally think I'm grazy idiot...right now I feel like haveing a crush sucks! I haven't crush someone for a long time, but then... and now I'm just sad and depressed.
I love dreaming, cus then i can forgot everything bad and just dream about happiness and cute things.
I'm young but I have feel pulling, depression, a lot of sadness, but i have feel much happiness too!
I rember my 5 years birthday party, Many gifts and happy faces and CAKE. Nobody pullies me anymore, but I still feel lonely, sometimes i feel like I have no friends. I just put headphones on and ignore the world...don't you feel the same sometimes?
Sometimes when i come home I just run in to my bed and cry, when someone comes I just close my eyes and act like I sleep. But being lonely is so freaking lonely. I hate when people say bad things to each others they don't know the stories...they don't know nothing!
When they pullied me in my past I just thinked if they feel the same they gonna change, but now I guess pulliers never change! They still make people cry! Hurting people is their hobby!
But you need to be strong, WE NEED TO BE STRONG!
It's our life and our life is in our hands, we can change it! We can make us happy!
It's time to change something! Let's be happy!

Friday, July 24, 2015

Venna ikka oskab

Eile õõsel trollisin umbes kella 3Aeg omegles, kui mu vend textis mulle "Ma murdsin jalaluu ära"
Ma arvasin, et ta tegi nalja ütlesin talle veel, et "camoon see ei ole naljakas"
Lõpuks tuligi välja, et tal jalaluu katki, siis ta sõitis veel oma katkise jalaluuga auotga koju.
Tuli minu tuppa ja ütles
"Ou Karolina, mu jalg on kõver w?" Ta jalg oli lihtsalt hullult sinine ja kannast oli tükk väljas. Haiglasse ka ta ju algul minna ei tahtnud, et "ah mis ma sellise tühiseasja pärast sinna ikka lähen" Lõpuks võttis mind kuulda ja sõitis katkise jalaluuga Haiglasse. Point on sellest, et meil ema ja isa samal ajal magasid kõrval toas ja ei teadnud midagi...ups.
Siis ta tuli koju kipsis jalaga, emps ja paps ärkasid ka ülesse Karl lendab tuppa "Ou ma murdsin jalaluu ära". Kõige funim oli see, et ta ei saanud pükse ka jalast ära sest kips on põlveni.
Täna pidin talle sokki jalga panema hahaha suht tont oli xD
Nagu ta ise ütles" Jou ma kukkusin redelit alla" Arvestades seda , et ta krossi sõidab on redelilt jalaluu katki kukkuda suht hale.
Aga siiski ta mu ainus ja kõige kallim venna :3

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Nightmare in the mirror

Nightmare in the mirror

I tought i saw the devil
in the mirror
he really looked like you
in my last nightmare

You need to know
i'm not afraid,
You don't need to scare me
I'm not afraid

Nothing scares me more than the pain
i'm not afraid
because now I'm strong
my heart got the antidote for people like you

Anymore you can't use the part
of my heart                                                          
I'm strong
I got the antidote to against you

I loathe the creatures like you
who you think you are?
you came here and just killed all my feelings
I'm not afraid for you, I'm afraid of my feelings

you got the attention
but now is time to say „goodbye“

Poem by: Karolina Niinelo (me)
Photo from: https://41.media.tumblr.com/a1eddeec0d853de5425216179b5cabb5/tumblr_n1l8erJ0Tc1rlcnpko1_540.jpg

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Life in my eyes

Life in my eyes

I cry everyday
I even can't smile
I haven't slept for months
I can't imagine why I still breath
Things going harder
I just try to keep myself alive
Only one thing what I want is a happy life
I want to know how feels happiness
I dream about life without darkness
Is that possible? 

Poem by: Karolina Niinelo

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Summer and me

Today I realised summer is over soon, but all what I did is watching dramas and listen to music, yeah i did a lot of workout and stuff, bu still. I realised that I need to change something. No more boring days!
But honestly I live in freaking weird place here is nothing to do...running or TV? Yeah i know TV. But yeah i need to change myself because of my dreams! I know my dreams come true, but first I need to do really hard work. I'm a dreamer! I can dream all day about my future and things. Weird fact about me I love danceing alone in my room.
Cozh I'm weird...

But do you guys know what?
So many girls in my age just love dateing and stuff, but here is me. Waiting for prince, who saves me from my boring life.
I'm a girl who is most of time sad and lonely, but i have one really good friend, she lives somewhere in Pärnu. She is the only one who i can trust! REAL FRIEND!
I really don't know what to I do without her! Everyone needs friend like she is!
She is like me... Most of time sad
But Kätlin, you know I'm here for you!
*hug* she have really cool and intresting blog find out👉 kacheecha.blogspot.com👈

Everyone who needs to talk I'm here for you! There is no reason for being sad!
Smile and be happy!
Love yaaa😘

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